We are blessed to have a wonderful parish of volunteers and the upkeep of the church is another area that requires a lot of help!
Any technical support to further develop St. Joseph's website and social media activities - please come forward and if interested contact the Parish Office.
EMMAUS Talks are monthly talks on Scripture for the South Bucks, Pastoral area. Any technical help and support in setting up, monitoring on line questions, clearing away afterwards welcomed. Please contact the Parish Office if interested.
Manning the Reception Desk at St. Joseph's - at the moment the reception desk is only open two times a week - more volunteers required both during the day or evening to support this essential service. It involves answering the telephone and dealing with enquiries and visitors to the Priory. If you would like to help, please contact Joan Barnham.
Car Park Marshals are occasionally required for special occasions such as the First Holy Communion and Confirmation sacramental celebrations - please put your names forward to support.
The role of the Sacristan Team is many and varied and involves a large number of parishioners. The duties carried out during the year include:
Preparations for Sacramental celebrations and special days, including Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter Triduum, Feast of St Joseph, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Christmas, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals.
Care and restocking of communion breads and wine, laundering and repair of vestments, albs and altar linen, and organising altar candles, votives, incense and coals.
Thank you to everyone who helps keep the church in good order and looking beautiful.
The church needs cleaning every week! New helpers for our rota are always welcome; the commitment is for a couple of hours every four weeks. We normally clean on a Thursday morning but if you can help any time we’ll find something to suit your schedule. This is an invaluable service to the parish which would otherwise need to be contracted out.
Speak to the Parish Office if you would like to help this invaluable team.
We are a small group of ladies working each week on a rota basis, usually in pairs but more on special occasions. We have training days and would like to encourage volunteers of any ability to think about joining this friendly group.
Support required to maintain the flower planters / bedding plants around the church - in the summer regular watering and maintenance. If interested let us know - anytime during the week especially summer months.
The bookshop, which is located at the back of the church, next to the side entrance, supplies Catholic books and cards for all ages as well as for special occasions such as First Holy Communion, Baptism and Marriage. Books can also be ordered on request. All profits go to the Parish.
The repository, also located at the back of the church, sells rosaries, medals, missals, cards for all occasions, gifts and books for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, etc.
New volunteers are always welcome.
Purchases of items from the locked part of the bookshop and the display cases may be purchased after the 9am and 11am masses or during the week, call into the Parish Office to ask for help.