
All that we have, our time, talents and money, are God’s gift to us. What we do with these gifts is our gift back to God. Continue to pray about how you can give back to God and consider: 

Your Time – Many roles within the parish are fulfilled by volunteers – we could not function without them. We have lots of different areas and types of tasks available, so there is something to suit everyone no matter how much (or little) time you can offer. 

Your Talents – We have been given gifts from God. Think about how you can use them for the parish. They can be anything from practical skills, to life experiences, to skills from your job, to your passions and hobbies. 

Your Money – Giving financially to the parish supports the time and talents people give. Money can help to grow the church. If you can, please gift aid any money you give and preferably make your offering by standing order as it helps our administration. 

You’re never too young or too old to get involved in parish life, so why not join in, meet new people, enjoy friendship and strengthen our community. Live your faith! 

Spend a moment reflecting on your own giving thinking about what you currently give - money, yes; but also time, or hospitality, or by using the skills and talents God has given to you.

Your parish needs you.


Fundraising is very important to support St. Joseph's.. We need fund raising for our new Parish Hall - it is an important mission as a new Parish Hall will become the "hub" for our Parish activities and will be an important future finance income generator. All experience required to help form a fundraising team - do you have fund raising experience, transferable skills from your professional working lives, administrative skills (for example, the ability to mail-merge letters, use excel spreadsheets etc.) - please contact Father Bob via the Parish Office.

DECEMBER 2024 – PARISH FINANCES:  Thanks to each and every one of you for increasing your donations after the appeal that was made back in March, and thank you for all you do to support the parish.  This year there is a projected shortfall in our day-to-day finances of approximately £30,000 to the end of March 2025, since – as with all families – all our costs have increased significantly over recent years.  In order to make sure that the parish in future will not find itself in this difficult situation, we should all perhaps consider increasing our regular giving by between £15 and £20 each month (that’s about £5 per week).  This would help get the parish finances back on a firmer footing. Furthermore, to gift aid your contributions is a good way of getting the parish 25% more from the Government.  Thank you for reading this and we greatly appreciate your continued support.



Make your donation to the church go further at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid is a Government run scheme that allows us to reclaim the tax on your donation. For every £1 you donate, we get an extra 25p back, significantly increasing the value of your donation. The only condition is that you are a UK taxpayer.

Gift Aid Declaration Forms can be printed below, with paper copies available from the Parish Office. It takes just a few minutes to complete this short form and once completed, the parish can then reclaim the tax on donations made via Offertory Envelopes or by Standing Order.

Supporting Your Parish - information on how to make online payments can be found here.

Gift Aid Declaration Form

The Gift Aid Declaration form can be downloaded from here.  Please read carefully then complete and return to the Parish Office

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions and/or direct any queries to our Gift Aid Co-ordinator at or via the Parish Office.  



Contactless paymentWe have introduced a contactless payment system at St Joseph’s which parishioners can use to make their offering. A card reader is situated on a stand in each porch at all weekend Masses. You simply tap to donate, choosing the amount you would like to give, then when asked simply hold your card to the reader, listen for the beep, and your payment is done. If you prefer, there is the option to insert your card into the payment device and enter your PIN to make a payment.

If you wish, you can register your card for Gift Aid. This takes a little bit longer, but you only have to do it once. When you have registered your card, the card reader will recognise it the next time you make a payment.

*Note: Unfortunately, this facility is not available at The Most Holy Name in Denham as there is no internet connection at the church.



Furniture Market

The Furniture Market is open every Saturday morning from 9am-12.30pm in the building behind the Parish Centre.  Furniture donated to the Market is sold and the proceeds are distributed to local charities and St Joseph's Parish.  The funds raised are a very important part of the Parish finances.  

Donations of furniture in good condition are always welcome; collection and delivery can be arranged.  For furniture donations please call in to the Market on a Saturday morning with the item or with a photo of bigger pieces of furniture.

The Furniture Market can always use extra help especially from able-bodied people.  They can help on a Saturday morning at the Market for about 4 hours, or when making deliveries and collections on occasional Tuesday and Thursday evenings for up to two hours.  Anyone (usually aged under 70)  willing to drive the van on any of these days would be a great help to the volunteers.  There is a monthly rota for all helpers, so duties are shared out over the month..

For general enquiries or to volunteer please come along to the Market or please contact the Furniture Market chairman via the Parish Office 01753 8866581.  Please be sure to leave a message if no one is available to take your call.  We can also be contacted via  Our postal address is St Joseph's Furniture Market c/o St Joseph's Parish, Bull Lane, Chalfont St Peter SL9 8RY.

The Furniture Market can also be found on Facebook.  Link to Furniture Market Facebook Page



Two Mass collectors are needed for each Mass. Volunteers to make a rota would make it easier for everyone. Please contact the Parish Office if you are able to assist.

Counters work on an eight week rota. The job is very straightforward and the commitment is just six times per year. We would welcome new members - please contact the Parish Office if you can help.

The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.   (2 Corinthians 9 v6-7)