LIVE STREAM - click the arrow in image of the Church BELOW to view the Live Stream

St Joseph's is providing a live online streaming service.  The area within the church that is streamed is shown above.  If you are within this area then it will be possible to see you over the internet.

Our services are lived streamed only at present and will not be available for download.

Click on the WHITE forward arrow  in the church image BELOW to begin viewing the Live Stream.

IF the live stream is down, please click here to report the problem.  The Northampton Cathedral Live Streaming can be found here.

OFFERINGSGiving plate

If you are able to support our parish financially, this will greatly help us.

MARCH 2024: We are making an appeal to all parishioners to consider reviewing their offertory contributions. With the significant increase in utility bills, we are not covering the running costs of the church. The finance team is looking at ways to contain cost increases and generate income. Whilst there are other initiatives they are looking at, our main source of income is the weekly offertory collection. Given the challenge everyone faces we have been reticent in asking for any increases and have not asked parishioners to consider their offertory gifts for five years. However, in this current situation we would ask if you could look to increase your donations. Any amount, however small, will make a difference when added together with everyone else. Also, if you are a taxpayer, please do consider Gift Aid. Thank you for your support and generosity.


The 7am morning Mass on weekdays takes place in the Oratory which means this Mass will not be visible on the live stream.

***Our Summer Mass Schedule is currently in place until Sunday 8 September***